Welcome to episode 5 , if you would like to see the photos of the examples, please look on the blog: https://keramikbyamanda.wordpress.com/2018/11/20/episode-5-trimming/

The Potscast
This podcast contains the following series
The Potscast - all about Pottery
Being Brave - all about making a huge life change, what I did and how I did it, IN REAL TIME!
*Note* Although not overly sweary, I do drop the occasional F bomb (Sorry, Mum)😳
This podcast contains the following series
The Potscast - all about Pottery
Being Brave - all about making a huge life change, what I did and how I did it, IN REAL TIME!
*Note* Although not overly sweary, I do drop the occasional F bomb (Sorry, Mum)😳
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