Today I went to the beach, normally I’d go to edit The Potscast, but my iPad was too low on battery, so I thought I’d have a quiet read instead.
So… I was at the beach.
I had my phone taken, my headphones broken, I was attacked and had my life threatened - apparently this Neanderthal thinks that he’s a big man because he can use violence. The irony is I was doing the actual opposite of what he thought I was doing. 🤦🏽♀️ I assumed they were doing something good until he came up to me and started screaming in my face. But now I’m curious as to what fuckery they were up to. But I have his face on pic & video so at least we know who is responsible if I do end up as he said with “a bullet between my eyes while I sleep” because he knows where I live! Thank you to the 12 or so big brave men who stood around laughing and watched this man attacking me.
Honestly, I‘m fine, but shook, but mostly I‘m FURIOUS… I know karma will get them.😁
So needless to say, I was too shook to edit the episode when I returned home. Please forgive me, I’ll edit the episode and send it out on Sunday.
If you’re interested in the full story, I’ll tell it in my personal podcast here at some point this week:
Apologies again for the delay, normal service will be resumed on Sunday with fantastic news. 😁
Please take care of yourself. I am sorry for you loss in confidence of other people being protective and kind. Sounds like a very scary ordeal!